Are You Buying 100% American Made Products?
Have you recently bought something 100% American made? In a poll taken April 11th-14th of 2013, about 45% of Americans say that they have tried to buy products made strictly in the United States recently. There were a few reasons for this, some of which include: supporting the U.S., assisting to create jobs in the U.S. and trying to stimulate the U.S. economy.
Out of the 45%, the greatest reason people bought 100% American made products was to be patriotic which accounted for 32%.
Some other reasons for "buying American" were because U.S. products are of better quality and fear about the quality and toxic content of items made overseas. In total, these two reasons accounted for 16% of the poll.
Although a large amount of Americans, 45%, say they have made an attempt to buy more 100% American made products in the recent past, more than half of the population has not. A recent suds has proved that Americans are becoming more aware of the need to purchase American Made products to help create more jobs and in turn be assisting to improve our economy.
Between the different generations, there are large differences in the way they shop, and why they choose to buy what they do. 61% of older Americans (65 and older) are more likely to "Buy American" compared to 20% of younger Americans (18 to 29). This could be because younger Americans have grown up with products being made overseas and have nothing to compare products that were once made in America.
Americans Are Willing to Pay More for 100% American Made Products.
Would you pay more for a product if you knew it was made in the USA?
Sixty-four percent of Americans say that they indeed would pay more for an item that was U.S. made rather than a similar product from a different country.
Since 45% of American citizens say they are making an attempt to buy more American made products, and 64% say they would pay more for American-made products, that means there are 20% of Americans who are not currently "buying American" but who are willing to do so, even if they spend more.
A majority of Americans think that United States goods are being manufactured with higher quality materials than they were a few years ago. Seventy-one percent say they are a lot or a little better, while 16% think that they have gotten a lot or a little worse. However, those views aren't more common than they were more than 20 plus years ago, at the last time the poll was taken in 1990.
"Buy American" habits have not completely caught on with the majority of people in the United States. However, almost half of Americans say they are trying to make purchases of more American mad products, and even more say that they are willing to pay more for a U.S. made product rather than one overseas. They are beginning to realize the importance of what drives our economy to becoming stronger, while lowering our unemployment rates across America.
Supporting the United States and attempting to help the economy have been some of the major reasons people have been "Buying American", but unfortunately, the younger the demographic is, the less they are concerned with buying U.S made products. If the younger bracket of consumers continue to be uninterested in buying American made products, the need to thoroughly understand economic growth and how to bring manufacturing back into America, this may lead to a future increased threat of the continued loss of American jobs and a weaker economy. Manufacturers in American will certainly be in danger of closing, and the end result, more unemployment across the USA.
At the same time, there does seem to be a large group of people who don't understand the economic crises and choose not to buy American products when available, but who would be willing to pay more for American made products.
Would spreading awareness concerning the necessity of supporting 'Made in USA' products help drive large numbers of individuals to once again Support America, while creating jobs, a stronger economy and pride once again in 'Made In USA'? Ask yourself that question…and I'm sure you will want to share with others that we MUST bring back manufacturing to America and have the pride our great-grandparents had in their person Made In America products!
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